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Magnetic Shields Technology

  • This technology allows the increment of Magnetic Shields' efficiency.
  • Each upgrade increases the shield's power.
  • Advanced shield for more sophisticated spaceships and defences.
  • Specially effective against Gauss and EMP weapons and more vulnerable against Laser weapons.


This technology focus on the perfecting and development of new protection systems besides the armour present on spaceships and defences. In this specific case focus on the development of magnetic fields which are effective against attacks based on solid projectiles and magnetically accelerated particles.

This technology is more advanced than that of Deflecting Shields and it arose from the need of protection against recent weapon's technological breakthroughs that made deflecting shields nearly obsolete. Therefore, units equipped with magnetic shields present a better protection against Gauss weapons, since they deflect the trajectory of their projectiles, but especially vulnerable to Laser weapons.

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