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Statistics: My Data

  • Here you can see your ranking, and the players in the position immediately behind and after you
  • In the global ranking table you can see how it handled in the ranking or number of points which rose since the last update, to do that place the the mouse in your current position or in yout total points respectively
  • The detailed positions, referring to points acquired in each section and the difference to the previous position.
  • The position of your alliance, if you belong to one
  • Caso tenha adquirido algum serviço pago, pode ainda ver: If you acquired one pay service you can see:
  • The table of relative position that shows your classification excluding players whose register in the game have been more of 24h before yours. This table is hidden by the system in two situations:
  • When the blobal position and relative are equal
  • When the players isn't in the top 100 of this table

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Ultima edição em 20:37 23/01/09 por Moura.