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Alliances Statistics

  • Here you can see the position of all alliances according to the information on any of the columns.
  • To view the list sorted by the points in the columns, click on the column name.
  • In any sort are only shown the alliances in the first 250 positions.
  • In this section you can also view the changes of alliances in the ranking, the full name of each alliance and the number of points that the alliance has gain since the last update. To see this, place the mouse cursor on the current position of the alliance, in its acronym or its total points respectively.
  • All units built at the workshop are recorded in the column Hangar.
  • The columns Buildings, Laboratory, Hangar, Armament also present the average midpoints of the alliance according to the number of players.

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Ultima edição em 23:38 27/10/09 por Psychotrix.