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Joint Attack and Defense

Este artigo ainda se encontra em construção!

1. Introduction

  • The joint attack ( JA ) mission allow players to set their fleets so that they will all join their fleets in a single attack on a given region.
  • The joint defense ( DC ) mission allows a player to invite other players to help him defend one of his regions during a certain period of time.
  • These kinds of mission can be created in the section "JAD", where a player can invite other players that have the following conditions:
  • All involved players must be on the same alliance at least in the last 3 days.
  • All involved players must have no shared IPs or accesses between themselves.
  • This type of mission requires JAD slots, that are calculated based on this formula:
  • Floor(Communication Technology / 4)
  • Exceptionally, level 2 provides 1 slot.
  • In JAD missions, a recruit alliance is considered as a full part of the main alliance.
  • In JAD mission it is not possible to send resources on the involved fleets.
  • At the current stage of game development, JAD is not allowed on interplanetary trips.

2. Joint Attack

2.1 Creation

  • The player that creates a Joint Attack is considered the "Host" of the attack.
  • When creating the JA, the player will need to define the address it wants to attack and invite all players it wishes to involve.
  • The Host requires enough JAD slots both for its own fleet and all invited players' fleets as well.
  • Each invited player requires only one free JAD slot.

2.2 Launching

  • Following the Host's fleet launch's next 3 minutes, all invitees can access the JA and launch their own fleets.
  • Launching of the Host's fleet is delayed by the given 3 minutes to allow individual setting up and fleet launching of all invitees.
  • During the first 5 minutes after the Host's fleet lauch, no player may order a fleet return.
  • If the Host's fleet is completely corroded on the fleet launch, all of the JA is cancelled.
  • Each player can configure what action its fleet can perform, should any of the invitees abort the mission and order a fleet return.
  • The JA cannot take longer than 3h to reach its destination.

3. Joint Defense

3.1 Creation

  • When creating a JD, a player must choose which region to be helped and who to invite.
  • If a player wants to invite two other players, its required to create two JDs.
  • It is not possible to invite the same player more than once to defend the same region.
  • The player may specify a suggestion for an arrival and departure time for the fleet.
  • The JD creator and invitees require each one single free JAD slot for the JD creation to be successful.

3.2 Launching

  • JD missions have a maximum limit time of 3h duration.
  • A player can order its fleet return both when inbound to the defending region or during defense period.
  • A JD may not take longer than a 3h period (applies also to the inbound voyage).

4. Spy Report

  • If a region with JD is spied, all of the fleets' ships will be added to the numbers on the spy report.
  • To easily check if a spied region has a JD, fleet values are displayed in orange.
  • At the current stage of game development, no addition information is displayed about JD. I.e., the names of the JD's participans is not displayed, nor is their tachnologies and how long the JD will last.

5. JAD Combat

5.1 Protection

  • Score taken into account when deciding player protection is the sum of all attackers versus the sum of all defenders.
  • If any attacker has shared IPs/accesses with the region's owner (defender), the attack will not occur.
  • Regions ongoing colonization process may not be targeted for JA nor JD.

5.2 Technologies

  • When considering technologies, the arithmetic mean of each ship type is used, both from the attackers and the defenders.
  • Example:
  • Attacker P1 has 100 ships X1 with technology 10
  • Attacker P2 has 20 ships X2 with technology 4
  • The technology considered will be = ((100 * 10) + (20 * 4)) / 120 = 9

5.3 Loot

  • Should the attackers win, a pillage of economy occurs.
  • Looted economy is divided by the final remaining capacity of each attacker.
  • Example on a loot of 10.000 Metal and 5 Nanites:
  • Attacker P1 has capacity of 80.000.
  • Attacker P2 has capacity of 20.000.
  • Total capacity will be 100.000.
  • Attacker P1 will take: 80.000 / 100.000 = 80% of the loot = 8.000 Metal and 4 Nanites
  • Attacker P2 will take: 20.000 / 100.000 = 20% = 2.000 Metal and 1 Nanite

5.4 Combat Report

  • When the combat occurs, a report is created accessible to all involved players.
  • On that combat report, fleet and technologies from each involved player are displayed.
  • Losses from the attackers and the defenders are displayed, as are also your own losses.

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