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Quick Send

Este artigo ainda se encontra em construção!

  • Quick Send is not a Section of the game.
  • It exists inside the Generic Section and its a way to easier the fleet sending to players that have a payed Service.

  • Quick Send functionality allows to skip certain steps in fleet sending, permitting therefore to send a fleet in a faster way.
  • The ships / vehicles selected will be send to the pretended destiny, with 100% speed.
  • The ships / vehicles will run-out their transport capacity with the resources of the origin colony, following the "Fill" mode previously selected:
  • Sequential: Fills in first the cheaper resources (metal, diamond afterwards, etc);
  • Valuable: Fills in first by the most valuable resources (nanite, zion afterwards, etc);
  • Percentage: Fills in the same proportion that the resources are presented in the colony;
  • Don't fill: Will not transport any kind of resources.
  • The Fill in mode by omission can be configured in Options -> Advanced.
  • In case you pretend to configure in more detail the fleet, click in proceed after selecting the ships / vehicles that you pretend to take.

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Ultima edição em 23:31 19/01/09 por Ninja.