Iniciar Sessão - Procurar - Listagem - Opções - Língua:


  • Robots can be made in the Hangar.
  • Are used to:
  • Accelerate the construction and demolition of buildings;
  • Process the debris stored in Recycler.
  • Evolving Robot Technology improves its performance.
  • This affects both the operations in buildings and in the recycler.
  • Can be transported or stored in the bunker, occupying 2,000 units of resource space in both cases.
  • Can be destroyed by the impact of Comets.
  • Cannot be stolen or destroyed in case of attack, so the player does not need to occupy space in the bunker with these units in case of attack.
  • Are essential in the game's progression, because the buildings will eventually become too large and advanced to be built exclusively by people.

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