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1. Introduction

  • The Sensor allows you to detect certain fleets that have as origin or destination occupied regions in your Zone.
  • To access the Sensor please see the Section Observatory -> Sensor.
  • To be able to use the Sensor you must have the Observatory at level 7 or higher.
  • The Sensor is not available at the initial planet.

2. Observatory Evolution

  • Through the evolution of the Observatory you can increase the Sensor's precision and range.

2.1 Sensor's Reach

  • The Sensor never allows you to obtain data from other zones.
  • Therefore the range refers to the increase of antecedência of the fleets detection.
  • Antecedência formula: (Observatory_Level * 30min) + 1h
  • Example:
  • Considering an Observatory level 10 we have a antecedência of 6h.
  • This means that we can visualize fleets 6h prior to their arrival to the zone and 6h after their departure from the zone.

2.2 Sensor Precision

  • The times shown by the Sensor always have a minimum error margin of 1s.
  • Error margin formula: Round_Up[1.5 / (Observatory_Level ^ 3))]
  • To the result of this calculation is multiplied the number of seconds that remain until the destination is reached.
  • Example:
  • Considering an Observatory level 10 we have an error margin of 0.0015.
  • Considering that the fleet is 1h (3600s) away from destination.
  • Then we have an error margin of: 3600 * 0.0015 = 6s
  • This means that the value presented is between [Tempo_Real - 6s, Tempo_Real + 6s]

3. Fleet Detection

  • The Sensor (in version 0.5) only detects 4 types of mission: Attack, Defend, JA e Transport.
  • The JD period is also included
  • The missions must have as origin or destination an occupied region in the Zone.
  • It is also necessary that they leave from or return to an occupied region.
  • In this phase the "Return" order makes the fleet undetectable by the sensor.

3.1 Groups

  • The fleet detection divides in 3 distinct behaviours or groups, with different visualization properties, as can be confirmed in the following image:

  • In white background the data that can be visible.
  • Example:
  • An ongoing attack will make the detection behave as in Group 1.
  • An attack returning will make the detection behave as in Group 2.
  • It is not possible to visualize the resources transported with the fleet.
  • The fleets that belong to the last two groups appear randomly ordered.

3.2 Costs

  • Each use of the Sensor has a cost of 8 Nanites.
  • If there are no fleets detected (except the player's) 5 Nanites are returned.
  • The fleet's detailed visualization has a cost of 5 Nanites.

4. Chains

  • The Sensor (Observatory) more evolved in each Zone is considered the Main Sensor.
  • If there are several sensors at the highest level than there is no main sensor in that Zone.
  • The Chains are created when several adjacent zones exist (at least two) in which the main sensors belong to players from the same alliance.
  • When a chain exists the players involved can use all the sensors available along the chain.
  • The chains are updated when the server's updates occur (two times a day).
  • If a region, that has the main sensor, is removed that sensor immediately ceases to function in the Chain.

4.1 Chains System

  • Two (or more) zones establish a chain if they comply to one of the following conditions:
  • 1. A zone is immediately adjacent to another one (East or West);
  • 2. A zone is immediately beneath (South) or above (North) to the other;
  • 3. Both zones are in the same pole (both on the North or on the South);
  • 4. One zone is on the first column and the other on the last column in the Observatory view;

4.2 Motivation

  • The chains system forces the alliances to a more careful planing in the distribution of their members.
  • Allows a intense dispute between alliances for the zones' conquest.
  • In short, increase of the strategical side of the game, giving new meaning to the word Alliance and Observatory.

4.3 Example

  • Let us consider that the zones with the green background belong to the Alliance A and the yellow background ones to the Alliance B.

4.3.1 Alliance A

  • Let us begin by the Zone 66:
  • By the rule 1 the Zone 65 and 67 are part of its chain.
  • By the rule 2 the Zone 52 and 80 are also part of its chain.
  • Applying the same rules we arrive at Zone 70:
  • By the rule 4 the Zone 57 is also part of its chain.
  • Last, the Zone 8:
  • By the rule 3 we conclude that the Zone 2 is also part of the chain.
  • Conclusion (in this case) all the green regions, with the exception of Zone 41, are part of the same chain!

4.3.2 Alliance B

  • The Alliance B has the following chains:
  • 1st {15, 29}
  • 2nd {19, 20, 34, 35, 49, 50, 51}
  • 3rd {44, 45}
  • 4th {39, 53}
  • Analysing the image the best zone to conquer would be the 52, because they would be able to:
  • Merge the 2nd and 4th chain;
  • Break the Alliance A chain.

4.3.3 Some Conclusions:

  • Considering that the Player X only has a main sensor in Zone 39 (Alliance B):
  • The player can also use the sensor in Zone 53 once it is part of its chain.
  • The player can not use the sensor in Zone 51 since that one is part of a chain of which the player does not belong.

5. Map Visualization (Sensor)

  • When you access the Sensor's section a map of the planet with several colours is shown.
  • You can only visualize the Maps of the planets on which you have regions.
  • Using its legend you can identify the zones under your alliance domain (green background), the zones other alliances domain (red background) and those that not have main sensor (blue background).
  • If you slide the cursor over the zones you can see who is the owner, to which alliance belongs and which is the observatory level in question.
  • The zones with the number in:
  • Green - zones in which you have regions and are dominated by you (you have the Main Sensor);
  • Orange - zones in which you have regions but are dominated by members of your alliance;
  • Red - zones in which you have regions but are not dominated nor by you or by anyone of your alliance.
  • The zones to which you have access with the Sensor are identified by the number underlined.
  • To access the sensor click on the respective zone.

6. Activity

  • In case the sensor is yours when you use it your activity will be shown (the asterisk):
  • On the region where you are and on the region you have the sensor.
  • In case someone uses the chain the activity will show on the Zone of the main sensor. (image at the observatory)

7. F.A.Q.

P: With the Sensor available are the Fleetsaves no longer safe?
R: If you perform the Fleetsave to an empty region it will continue to be safe.

P: Is there any way to know if the sensor in a Zone was not used?
R: Yes, if there is no activity in that zone or in the main sensor.

P: What is the safest method to transport resources?
R: Use the Transfer mission which is undetectable by the sensor.

P: The chain work diagonally?
R: No.

P: If a player has a region in the chain zone of the player's alliance, can that chain be used?
R: Only those that have one of the main sensors in the chain can access it. If the player is in that zone but the main sensor belongs to another member of the alliance the player will not have access to the chain.

P: Is there any advantage for the chains by colonizing in the poles?
R: Yes, since it can "pair" up with any other in the same pole. However, we remind you that the number of visible zones in the Observatory is inferior (on higher levels) in the zones positioned in the poles (or near them) in comparison to those in the equator.

P: I left the alliance X and they still have access to my sensor, is that normal?
R: The chains are only updated when the server is, therefore until that time it is normal that they can still access it.

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Ultima edição em 19:10 13/09/09 por Bruno.