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TOP Statistics

  • The column TOP presents the game's highest building's level, research's level and total number per unit.
  • The column My TOP contains the player's highest building's level, research's level and total number per unit.
  • At the Hangar the numbers presented are the sum of all the player's units.
  • It includes all the region's stationed units as well as the units performing missions.
  • It does not include robots being transported in ships or vehicles.
  • At the Workshop (except for the Tower) the numbers presented are the sum of all player's stationed units.
  • At the Armament (including the Tower) the numbers presented are the highest of all the player's regions.
  • Updates:
  • The TOP is updated two times a day.
  • The My TOP is updated every time the player access one of it's regions.
  • In the column TOP the numbers presented in green refer to a player's game record.
  • In the column My TOP the numbers presented in orange highlight values equal to the TOP and the red ones values above the TOP.

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