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  • The colonization is performed via the Generic section, where the players can setup the data for the Colonization mission.
  • In the game, one can possess up to 11 regions scattered across the 8 existing planets
  • On Earth there is a set limit of 3 regions per player.
  • To proceed with a colonization, the players must choose:
  • The destination - location for the new colony;
  • The amount of economy to send, in order to facilitate the development of the colony;
  • Adicional options for the colonization.

1. Required steps

  • As previously stated, there are 3 fundamental steps:

1.1 Destination and Propulsion

The first part concerns the details of propulsion. It is established in the following manner:
  • Selection of the destination, where the player chooses one of the 8 planets and inputs the zone and region to be colonized.
  • It should be noted that there exist Colonization Vehicles and Colonization Ships;
  • The Vehicles are terrestrial and, as such, can only colonize on Earth;
  • The Ships can colonize in any planet.
  • Indication of voyage duration and the colonization fleet's time of arrival at the destination;
  • Indication of Hyperspace
  • If available, the player can opt on whether or not to use this system - affects the fuel consumption and
voyage duration;
  • Indication of the amount of fuel that will be used for the voyage;
  • Control of the speed at which the voyage is to be made:
  • Determined as a percentage of the maximum speed, in 10% increments or in detail (clicking on *);
  • Affects the fuel consumption and voyage duration.

1.2 Economies

The second part refers to the economies and the cargo space of the colonization fleet. It is established in the following manner:
  • Amount of each economy to be placed on the colonization fleet
  • Each Robot takes up 2000 capacity units;
  • The "max" option allows placing the maximum amount of resources possible, until either the fleet capacity or the existing resources, at the departure colony, reach 0;
  • With Robots it is frequent to have some unused space left, less than 2000 capacity units;
  • Option to clean all resources (resets all economies to 0);
  • Available and total capacity:
  • Option to place all resources
  • Fills the fleet with resources to the maximum capacity
  • The available resource capacity is filled with resources in the following order: Metal, Diamond, Hydrogen, Zion, Nanites, Robots.

1.3 Confirmation and adicional options

The third part addresses additional options and mission confirmation. It is established in the following manner:
  • Selection of the amount of colonization vehicles or ships (colonizers) to be employed in the colony's construction;
  • Option to search for free regions in the neighbourhood of the selected destination;
  • Useful in the eventuality that the destination region has already been occupied;
  • Only for ships - affects the fuel consumption and the travel time.
  • Acceptance of the data and fleet departure.

2. The colonization Process and the use of multiple colonizers

2.1 The colonization

  • The colonization is a process that requires a considerable amount of time be spent performing intensive labour and terrain preparation in order to evolve a new colony.
  • When a region is being colonized, that colony is unable to contact the Empire.
  • The duration of the process varies according to the planet being colonized (for further details, view the
Planets' Properties page).
  • During that period, no communication will take place between the new colony and the empire.
  • During the same period, the colony may by the target of espionage and attacks, without notification
to the empire.
  • Only after the colonization process is complete, will the empire be made aware of the events which occurred during the colonization.
  • Each Colonization Vehicle provides the new colony with a minimum of 1000 units of metal, 500 units of Diamond and 1 robot.
  • Each Colonization Ship provides the new colony with a minimum of 2000 units of metal, 1000 units of Diamond and 2 robots.

2.2 Employing multiple Colonizers

  • The colonization process can be accelerated with the use of several colonizers for the setup of a single new colony.
  • This may prove useful when a fast and strategic colonization is intended.
  • Each Colonization Vehicle add 1000 units of Metal, 500 units of Diamond and 1 robot to the new colony, when deployed along with other Colonization Vehicles.
  • Each Colonization Ship add 2000 units of Metal, 1000 units of Diamond and 2 robot to the new colony, when deployed along with other Colonization Ships.

3. Search for available regions in the vicinity of the destination (only for ships)

  • In certain cases, the colonizer may take a long time to reach the destination, incurring the risk of finding it occupied upon arrival.
  • To avoid the return of the colonizer, after a long voyage, the player can order it to search for a free region in the vicinity of the original destination.
  • Typically on finding the destination region occupied, the colonizer will search for a unoccupied region nearby.
  • This option implies sending a fuel reserve in order to perform the search.
  • It also implies a slightly longer travel time.

4. Fórmulas

  • The duration of the colonization process depends on the destination planet as well as the number of colonizers used.
  • It's calculation is performed in the following manner:

Time (in seconds) = Round_up[ (Time_on_Planet (in hours) / number_of_colonizers) x 3600
  • If in Jupiter, a normal colonization (1 colonization ship) would take 48h:
  • With 2 colonization ships it would take 48 / 2 = 24 hours.
  • with 3 ships it would take 48 / 3 = 16 hours.

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Last edited in 03:07 11/10/09 by Bruno.